My Thanks

    If I may borrow a page from Susanne's site and say thank you to everyone for all their
    support and help.
    Flora, Joey, Jack and Andy without your help this would not have been possible.

    Stuart's was the first site I found when starting out on the family research.  It was such a wonderful
    feeling to find a family member and at the same time discover so much about Skateraw.

    Colin's work on the NE area is reference standard with detailed work on the fisherfolk all along the
    coast. Your book Fisherfolk to Torry Folk is invaluable and for all your help.

    Lesley for all your help and a great web site.

    Susanne for your love of Skateraw and first class web site of our family members who made
    Skateraw their home.

    Ann for all your help and enthusiasm.

    Episcopal Congregation Muchalls, Diocese of Brechin they spent their time and money to preserve
    and record  the old parish register then so graciously allowed everyone to obtain a copy.
    NE generosity has no boundaries.

    Jim you made a place where we can all come to gether as family and friends no matter where in the
    world we call home.